
Showing posts from August, 2020

Video on Demand: Part 1 (The Hitchhiker's Guide to Computer Networks)

Data from the 2019 Global Internet Phenomena Report Video is the dominant type of traffic on the Internet. In 2019, video on demand constituted 60% of the total global Internet traffic. The image to the right shows the huge gap between the bandwidth demand of video streaming and the second highest application which is web traffic (think email, blogs, and news). This means that if you are in the computer networks business, you are pretty much in the business of video delivery. So the biggest question here, what is the best way to deliver video?  The "best" in this context can mean a couple of different things. It can mean delivering the best quality video for the user. Video quality does not only refer to whether a video is in HD or UHD but also whether it freezes and hangs or not. The "best" way to deliver video can also mean the most cost efficient way. If we can save 1% of the cost of delivering all videos on the Internet, we can save tens of millions of dollars i...