Evri, a new way to view the internet

A few months ago I was searching for already developed semantic web application. I faced a limited access, beta version application named Evri so I registered in it. After a while I received an e-mail from Evri telling me that the service is no longer limited. I visited the site and I was instantly amazed but what it does. Evri helps you find connections between people, places and all kinds of stuff you might be reading about on the internet. It’s not a search engine so you don’t find a lot of information about the keywords you search for but it tells you what you are searching for is related to, giving you a way to find more information that might be useful to whatever you are doing. It provides a brief Wikipedia description of the keyword and the coolest Evri feature “the connections graph”. It is a simple flash graph that shows other objects on Evri that are connected to the object you are searching now. The rest of the UI is simple with a lot of information, pictures and even YouTube videos. The best way to know how cool it is is to go now and try it either by visiting Evri or using the small icon at the end of any of my blog posts.
On the technical side Evri uses a mix of natural language, learning and semantic algorithms to build its network of information connection. It’s build of the idea of giving machines the power to understand data and the relations between them not only process them as strings. That is very useful as it saves us the time we spend trying to match information and for sure it will enhances search results and enable the machine to do much more than it does now.
I am not sure if it’s going to be of daily use to anyone of us any soon, but I know that with their slogan "search less, understand more" it represents a future of easier to use internet, a semantic future.
Please comment with what you think of evri and the article.


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