Why you should be reading NYTimes regularly

I believe this is a technical post SO you should read it. I have been wondering around NYTimes and Man that website is gigantic. Well it's a news website, you'll say. The question is why I am writing a post about it. Here you are why:
The thing is about reading news it’s BORING, also for us CS people "Geeks" it's non-technical and most of the time it has nothing to do with what we do on class and what we will need and it's BORING. What's different about NYTimes is that it gives you the news you need and didn't know you can get which is the opposite of BORING. New technologies, new gadgets, new market, new opportunities and even insights on the future possibilities are a portion of the things you can extract from reading NYTimes. I have been a regular reader for the technology section for 2 years now. What amazes me is that I am seeing stuff that I read was going to happen actually happening, gadgets that I thought great now available in the hyper market I go to, challenges that were seen as a far away future appearing and even some solved. That kind of information about the field of computer science and technology innovation is critical if you want to be ahead.
What we are future Chairmen , future CEO s, future CTO s, future Tech-leads and to make competitive choices to get those future companies a place in the global market is having enough and good information and that's the kind of information I have been trying to get. One of my main sources in NYTimes.
I have seen lately two pages but haven’t got the chance to read a lot: Start Ups as a subsection of the Technology section and Small Business as a subsection of the Business section . They give me ideas, hope, inspiration, challenges... you name it! Young people just like you and me hitting the right buttons, solving the right problems, creating and using the right business models and coming up with smart, new solution and even creating new technologies that technology giants usually buy. I think that would be a great place to start reading.
Also what’s interesting also about the NYTimes is the design and implementation of the website itself. It's a great content oriented, interactive, social website. Usually I can tell two or three things I don't like about a content oriented website as soon as I use it and about 10 more when I really use it but NYTimes is really great and improves regularly offering services that makes using it much more fun. It offer good personalization options and trying to get a little socializing in the mix through allowing you to follow other readers and other readers following you.
I really encourage you to start reading it regularly and I'll try to suggest good articles in a section on my blog.
Some other sources I encourage you to have a look at: Harvard Business Review (HBR), Scientific American, Science, PC Magazine and The Economist.
Waiting for your feedback and comments! and If you have other source please SHARE IT!


  1. You should also check the Economist, I think they are more neutral.
    check the following article

  2. Nice article, really good one
    i think I'll begin reading it directly.
    for me i used to surf digg, lifehacker and slahdot


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