DNIS in SRC: Second Place but What a feedback!

I couldn’t blog about what happened in the presentation right after it because I had places to go and things to do on my last day in China but in short it was amazing.
I asked my new friend Ari to record it in video for me and he did. As you’ll see I was terrible. I was tattering and I paused for a very long time searching for the word ORDER in my head. The bottom line I have not been worse in a presentation. The explanation is simple; my knees were shacking of fear. I was so nervous and I couldn’t help it. As I went last I got to see how all the judges asked questions and how hard these questions were. Also I got to know who the judges were and that made me even more nervous. So at the beginning I was pretty bad but I did good I think in the questions.
Even before the results were announced I knew that we’ll come second as the other guys, no matter how terrible he was on his presentation had some really solid Game Theoretic proofs behind his work and our idea was fairly simple. I was a little sad because I knew I could do better in my presentation and so I went to ask prof. Suman (posters Co-Chair and one of my judges) about my presentation and he told me that the judges liked it a lot but the idea of our project was fairly simple. Also I got to meet prof. Romit afterward and he encouraged me and told me he liked the presentation. That really meant a lot for me coming from those professors.
We came in Second in Mobicom’09 SRC Undergraduate Category. I am really proud of what we’ve did and I hope that we (as in Egyptian students) will have more of this kind of representation in major conferences in the following years


  1. Congrats! don't worry about the idea being simple, simple ideas can be extremely powerful. Keep up the good work
    M. Sayed


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